GAN Aptitude Test
THe aptitude test
Unique to GAN Human Resources, the GAN Aptitude Battery was developed to assess basic math, reading, and spatial skills and has been administered to over 200,000 applicants. The test was developed based on a job analysis of the skills and abilities required for performance in school and on the job. The battery of tests are used for selection purposes.
All of the selection procedures have been developed in compliance with regulations established in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, Principles for the Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures (American Psychological Association), and the Uniform Guidelines of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The GAN Aptitude Battery has been reviewed by the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) and DOL (Department of Labor) and is in compliance with all legal requirements.
GAN Human Resources Associates currently provides apprentice testing programs, using the GAN Aptitude Battery, for a variety of apprenticeship programs (more than 50) in the greater Chicagoland area, Illinois, & the United States (bricklayers, tile-setters, plumbers, pipe-fitters, operating engineers, carpenters, electricians, roofers, sheet metal, and service employees).
The tests administered by GAN Human Resources Associates for apprentice selection are reliable & valid and are appropriate for selection in these programs. More than 20 validation studies have been completed to indicate that the GAN Aptitude Battery predicts job and school performance.