About Us
Since 1998, GAN Human Resources Associates, Inc. has helped applicants of all ages, races, and genders increase their chances of fair and equal vocational success and satisfaction through the practical application of research directed toward the identification and development of human potential.
Compliance with federal regulations according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) is challenging to navigate. In their effort to reduce systematic discrimination in the workplace, the EEOC and OFCCP require organizations to take a close look at employment tests and selection procedures. This requires extensive data collection and analysis from your organization and where our expertise comes in.
All of the selection procedures we use and develop are in compliance with regulations established in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, Principles for the Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures (American Psychological Association), and the Uniform Guidelines of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Helping Organizations for Over 25 Years
"When we started this business 25 years ago our goal was to create a business that would help organizations understand and meet the demands of selection in a highly competitive field. It has been a great joy to develop selection tools that we are confident in and serve our client needs. We continue to be grateful for the client relationships we have built over the years."
— Dr. George Neuman
Unique to us, the GAN Aptitude Battery assesses basic math, reading, and spatial skills. This aptitude test was developed based on a job analysis of the skills and abilities required for performance in school and on the job. The battery of tests is used for selection purposes and taken by more than 5,000 apprentice applicants each year.
The GAN Aptitude Battery has been reviewed by the EEOC and DOL (Department of Labor) and is in compliance with all legal requirements.
GAN Human Resources Associates provides apprentice testing using the GAN Aptitude Battery for over 50 union apprenticeship programs throughout the United States, including bricklayers, tile-setters, plumbers, pipe-fitters, operating engineers, carpenters, electricians, roofers, sheet metal, service employees, and more.